Masih dari sumber yang sama, yaitu Lautan Indonesia, yang diposting oleh Pitakoke, inilah rating kemarin, hari rabu 28 desember 2011. Kejutan terjadi pada peringkat stasiun tv, MNC TV yang sebelumnya keluar dari 5 besar peringkat stasiun tv, hari rabu kemarin melesat ke posisi pertama ranking stasiun tv, mengalahkan RCTI yang sebelumnya menduduki tahta juara. Hal ini dikarenakan tayangan bola Persebaya vs Kelanta yang menduduki tahta juara rating kemarin. Sementara Indosiar harus rela melorot ke posisi 6, dimana sebelumnya berada di posisi runner up mendampingi RCTI. Global TV kembali ke posisi semula, dari yang sebelumnya mengungguli MNC TV berkat tayangan Shaolin SOccernya kemarin yang behasil menduduki posisi 6 besar. Inilah peringkat stasiun tv selengkapnya.
Wed, 28 Dec 2011
Station TVR SHR
1st.MNCTV 2.0 15.6
2nd.RCTI 2.0 15.4
3rd.SCTV 1.6 12.8
4th.TRANS7 1.6 12.5
5th.TRANS 1.6 12.3
6th.IVM 1.3 10.6
7th.GTV 1.2 9.5
8th.ANTV 0.7 5.5
9th.TVONE 0.3 2.7
10th.METRO 0.3 2.1
TVRI1 0.1 0.6
JTV 0.0 0.2
TVRI2 0.0 0.1
BALI 0.0 0.0
JOGJA 0.0 0.0
LATV 0.0 0.0
TPI 0.0 0.0
TV7 0.0 0.0
Total 19 Sta 2010 13.1 100.0
MNC TV menempatkan 2 perwakilannya di 10 besar perolehan rating, yaitu tayangan bola dan sinetron produksi MD ENTERTAIMENT Sampeyan Muslim. Hal ini bisa jadi di karenakan pengaruh tayangan bola, dimana penonton sudah stay terlebih dahulu dalam menunggu tayangan bola. Indosiar menempatkan 1 perwakilannya yaitu Sinetron Kolosal Tutur Tinular, Trans 7 dengan Opera Van Java dan On The SPot nya, Trans TV dengan Jika Aku Menjadi dan Comedy Project, RCTI dengan 3 sinetron produksi SINEMART yaitu Binar Bening Berlian di posisi 2, Anugerah di posisi 5 dan Dewa di posisi 10. Yang miris, justru SCTV yang tidak berhasil menempatkan 1 pun perwakilannya di TOP 10, Program dengan rating tertinggi di SCTV adalah sinetron Aliya yang menempati posisi 11. Sementara Drama Asia Indosiar mengalami penurunan rating dibbanding hari kemarin, Pink Lipstick tetap memimpin dibanding drama asia lainnya. Namun nampaknya, Drama Asia baru Indosiar 49 Days berpotensi mencuri perhatian lebih karena ceritanya yang menarik. Baiklah kita tunggu saja kiprahnya nanti. Inilah hasil selengkapnya dari rating kemarin.
WED, 28 DEC 2011 WEEK 1152
Rank Program Channel Start End Duration Program Type 000s TVR Share Cost Cost/TVR
1 UNITY C:PERSEBAYA VS KELANTA(L MNCTV 19:46 22:20 02:34 Sport:Match 2,669 6.1 21.9 35,000 Rp 5,764 Rp 2 BINAR BENING BERLIAN RCTI 18:58 20:59 02:02 Series:Drama 2,349 5.3 18.7 40,000 Rp 7,483 Rp
3 TUTUR TINULAR IVM 20:15 22:03 01:48 Series:Action/Adventure 2,215 5.0 17.9 30,000 Rp 5,954 Rp
4 ON THE SPOT(E04) TRANS7 19:27 20:05 00:38 Information:Documentary 1,910 4.3 15.3 35,000 Rp 8,052 Rp
5 ANUGERAH RCTI 20:59 23:02 02:02 Series:Drama 1,633 3.7 15.9 40,000 Rp 10,763 Rp
6 OPERA VAN JAVA TRANS7 12:30 13:53 01:23 Entertainment:Comedy 913 2.1 14.9 20,000 Rp 9,623 Rp
20:05 22:04 01:59 Entertainment:Comedy 1,876 4.3 15.1 40,000 Rp 9,371 Rp
Summary OPERA VAN JAVA 1,481 3.4 15.1 31,786 Rp 9,435 Rp
7 SAMPEYAN MUSLIM? MNCTV 18:59 19:46 00:47 Series:Drama 1,447 3.3 12.1 35,000 Rp 10,633 Rp
8 CP COMEDY PROJECT TRANS 19:05 20:10 01:05 Entertainment:Comedy 1,434 3.3 11.7 25,000 Rp 7,663 Rp
9 JIKA AKU MENJADI TRANS 18:26 19:05 00:39 Entertainment:Reality Show 1,340 3.0 12.6 25,000 Rp 8,202 Rp
10 DEWA RCTI 17:27 18:58 01:31 Series:Drama 1,285 2.9 14.7 40,000 Rp 13,680 Rp
11 ALIYA SCTV 19:12 20:00 00:48 Series:Drama 1,272 2.9 10.4 35,000 Rp 12,097 Rp
20:03 20:44 00:41 Series:Drama 1,055 2.4 8.1 35,000 Rp 14,579 Rp
Summary ALIYA 1,172 2.7 9.3 35,000 Rp 13,122 Rp
12 SATRIA IVM 19:14 20:15 01:01 Series:Drama 1,162 2.6 9.3 30,000 Rp 11,347 Rp
13 6K PACARKU BIDAN BIDUAN SCTV 09:55 11:05 01:10 Movie:Drama 988 2.2 17.0 20,000 Rp 8,893 Rp
11:12 11:58 00:46 Movie:Drama 1,402 3.2 24.5 20,000 Rp 6,271 Rp
Summary 6K PACARKU BIDAN BIDUAN 1,152 2.6 19.9 20,000 Rp 7,631 Rp
14 80X ASAL MULA DANAU RANU KUMBO MNCTV 11:59 13:26 01:27 Movie:Drama 1,100 2.5 18.5 16,000 Rp 6,391 Rp
15 3E BARBIE AND THE MAGIC OF PEG RCTI 06:25 07:57 01:31 Movie:Animation/Puppet 1,062 2.4 21.5 20,000 Rp 8,279 Rp
16 LIPUTAN 6 PETANG SCTV 17:03 17:34 00:31 News:Hard News 1,054 2.4 16.0 18,000 Rp 7,509 Rp
17 AWAS ADA SULE 2 GTV 19:01 20:05 01:04 Series:Sitcom/Comedy 1,035 2.4 8.5 15,000 Rp 6,372 Rp
18 DAHSYAT RCTI 07:57 09:59 02:03 Entertainment:Music 1,061 2.4 18.6 20,000 Rp 8,284 Rp
10:01 10:49 00:48 Entertainment:Music 877 2.0 15.0 20,000 Rp 10,021 Rp
Summary DAHSYAT 1,010 2.3 17.6 20,000 Rp 8,706 Rp
19 BUKAN EMPAT MATA TRANS7 22:04 24:07 02:03 Entertainment:Talkshow 1,001 2.3 14.7 25,000 Rp 10,977 Rp
20 9S BAD BOYS II TRANS 21:22 24:11 02:49 Movie:Action/Adventure 1,001 2.3 12.6 25,000 Rp 10,981 Rp
21 SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS GTV 05:55 07:55 02:00 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 984 2.2 21.1 12,000 Rp 5,362 Rp
17:31 19:01 01:30 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 986 2.2 11.0 12,000 Rp 5,351 Rp
Summary SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS 985 2.2 15.1 12,000 Rp 5,357 Rp
22 SKETSA TRANS 15:29 15:59 00:29 Entertainment:Comedy 964 2.2 21.3 15,000 Rp 6,837 Rp
23 PAT & STAN GTV 08:25 08:55 00:30 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 946 2.2 16.5 12,000 Rp 5,577 Rp
24 THE PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR GTV 07:55 08:25 00:30 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 945 2.2 16.7 12,000 Rp 5,579 Rp
25 INVESTIGASI SELEBRITI TRANS 17:30 18:26 00:56 Information:Infotainment 937 2.1 11.8 15,000 Rp 7,035 Rp
26 THE OWL(D03) MNCTV 17:30 17:47 00:18 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 924 2.1 12.7 35,000 Rp 16,655 Rp
27 DI ANTARA KITA MNCTV 10:26 10:56 00:30 News:Feature 923 2.1 15.7 15,000 Rp 7,140 Rp
28 THE HITS TRANS 20:10 21:22 01:12 Entertainment:Variety Show 923 2.1 7.1 25,000 Rp 11,905 Rp
29 CERITA MNCTV 02:00 02:00 00:00 Series:Drama 38 0.1 3.9 5,000 Rp 57,268 Rp
07:59 09:01 01:02 Series:Drama 559 1.3 9.8 15,000 Rp 11,800 Rp
13:26 13:59 00:33 Series:Drama 1,204 2.7 19.6 16,000 Rp 5,840 Rp
14:04 14:56 00:52 Series:Drama 1,105 2.5 18.8 16,000 Rp 6,361 Rp
Summary CERITA 897 2.0 15.3 15,575 Rp 7,629 Rp
30 SIDIK MNCTV 10:56 11:26 00:30 News:Crime 889 2.0 15.6 13,000 Rp 6,428 Rp
31 ALA CHEF TRANS 10:25 10:56 00:31 Information:Skill/Hobbies 871 2.0 14.8 15,000 Rp 7,570 Rp
32 HITAM PUTIH TRANS7 08:29 09:38 01:09 Entertainment:Talkshow 602 1.4 10.6 12,000 Rp 8,755 Rp
18:08 19:27 01:19 Entertainment:Talkshow 1,090 2.5 10.4 20,000 Rp 8,063 Rp
Summary HITAM PUTIH 862 2.0 10.5 16,255 Rp 8,290 Rp
33 6I FROM MEDAN WITH LOVE SCTV 12:29 14:28 01:58 Movie:Drama 854 1.9 13.9 20,000 Rp 10,297 Rp
34 JEBAKAN BETMEN NEW SCTV 16:01 17:03 01:02 Entertainment:Reality Show 850 1.9 17.0 20,000 Rp 10,339 Rp
35 LASKAR PELANGI THE SERIES SCTV 17:34 19:12 01:38 Series:Drama 841 1.9 9.0 35,000 Rp 18,293 Rp
36 9E BAJU SERAGAM ANAK PEMULUNG TRANS 08:30 10:25 01:56 Movie:Drama 833 1.9 14.6 15,000 Rp 7,912 Rp
37 6O SUSUK BARBIE SCTV 22:08 22:27 00:19 Movie:Drama 951 2.2 10.3 35,000 Rp 16,170 Rp
22:29 24:28 01:59 Movie:Drama 812 1.8 14.2 35,000 Rp 18,940 Rp
Summary 6O SUSUK BARBIE 832 1.9 13.3 35,000 Rp 18,496 Rp
38 UYA EMANG KUYA(C09) SCTV 14:57 15:59 01:02 Entertainment:Reality Show 825 1.9 17.3 20,000 Rp 10,649 Rp
39 REPORTASE SORE TRANS 16:57 17:30 00:33 News:Hard News 815 1.9 12.8 15,000 Rp 8,087 Rp
40 PESBUKERS ANTV 18:00 19:08 01:08 Entertainment:Variety Show 803 1.8 8.2 25,000 Rp 13,678 Rp
41 6S 1 CINTA BEDA RASA SCTV 06:54 08:53 01:59 Movie:Drama 795 1.8 14.7 16,000 Rp 8,842 Rp
42 DIA ATAU DIRIKU SCTV 20:44 22:08 01:24 Series:Drama 786 1.8 6.5 35,000 Rp 19,579 Rp
43 INTENS RCTI 10:49 10:58 00:09 Information:Infotainment 723 1.6 12.6 20,000 Rp 12,154 Rp
11:00 11:57 00:57 Information:Infotainment 794 1.8 13.9 20,000 Rp 11,074 Rp
Summary INTENS 784 1.8 13.7 20,000 Rp 11,212 Rp
44 ORANG PINGGIRAN TRANS7 17:35 18:08 00:33 Entertainment:Reality Show 780 1.8 10.2 15,000 Rp 8,450 Rp
45 SINETRON TVRI1 18:02 18:35 00:32 Series:Drama 74 0.2 0.8 2,000 Rp 11,952 Rp
MNCTV 09:01 10:00 00:59 Series:Drama 1,023 2.3 17.9 15,000 Rp 6,442 Rp
10:05 10:26 00:21 Series:Drama 1,147 2.6 19.8 15,000 Rp 5,750 Rp
Summary SINETRON 772 1.8 11.7 11,250 Rp 6,401 Rp
46 LIPUTAN 6 SIANG SCTV 11:58 12:29 00:31 News:Hard News 763 1.7 13.5 16,000 Rp 9,212 Rp
47 JEJAK PETUALANG TRANS7 16:00 16:30 00:30 Information:Travel/Lifestyle/Leisure 755 1.7 16.3 15,000 Rp 8,734 Rp
48 HAPPY FAMILY TRANS 15:59 16:57 00:59 Entertainment:Reality Show 746 1.7 15.3 15,000 Rp 8,831 Rp
49 RAJA GOMBAL TRANS7 13:53 14:58 01:05 Entertainment:Game Show 744 1.7 12.6 15,000 Rp 8,862 Rp
50 9E DEA VS MAMA PACARNYA TRANS 13:29 15:29 02:00 Movie:Drama 742 1.7 13.0 15,000 Rp 8,887 Rp
51 12S X2 GTV 20:05 22:53 02:48 Movie:Action/Adventure 740 1.7 6.5 25,000 Rp 14,850 Rp
52 SEPUTAR INDONESIA RCTI 16:57 17:27 00:30 News:Hard News 738 1.7 11.7 20,000 Rp 11,909 Rp
53 THE DOLPHIN STORY OF A DREAMER MNCTV 16:09 17:30 01:21 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 734 1.7 13.3 35,000 Rp 20,959 Rp
54 PINK LIPSTICK IVM 13:35 15:04 01:30 Series:Drama 730 1.7 12.4 14,000 Rp 8,424 Rp
55 LAPTOP SI UNYIL TRANS7 15:00 15:30 00:30 Children:Edutainment 721 1.6 14.5 15,000 Rp 9,142 Rp
56 3W SENGGOL BACOK RCTI 12:29 14:01 01:33 Movie:Drama 679 1.5 11.1 20,000 Rp 12,949 Rp
14:03 14:29 00:26 Movie:Drama 731 1.7 12.0 20,000 Rp 12,031 Rp
Summary 3W SENGGOL BACOK 690 1.6 11.3 20,000 Rp 12,738 Rp
57 7X MELODI KASIH IVM 07:34 09:30 01:56 Movie:Drama 684 1.6 12.2 10,000 Rp 6,421 Rp
58 LINTAS SIANG MNCTV 11:26 11:59 00:33 News:Hard News 677 1.5 11.8 13,000 Rp 8,435 Rp
59 REDAKSI SORE TRANS7 16:30 17:04 00:33 News:Hard News 676 1.5 12.7 15,000 Rp 9,758 Rp
60 SPOTLITE TRANS7 09:38 10:37 00:59 Information:Documentary 664 1.5 11.4 12,000 Rp 7,938 Rp
61 49 DAYS IVM 16:32 18:03 01:31 Series:Drama 660 1.5 10.2 20,000 Rp 13,327 Rp
62 REDAKSI SIANG TRANS7 11:27 11:58 00:31 News:Hard News 628 1.4 10.9 15,000 Rp 10,493 Rp
63 JELANG TRANS 12:31 13:03 00:32 Information:TV Magazine 622 1.4 10.3 12,000 Rp 8,479 Rp
64 SEPUTAR INDONESIA SIANG RCTI 11:57 12:29 00:32 News:Hard News 614 1.4 10.8 18,000 Rp 12,875 Rp
65 INSERT (INFORMASI SELEBRITI) TRANS 06:25 07:28 01:03 Information:Infotainment 539 1.2 11.4 12,000 Rp 9,777 Rp
10:56 11:58 01:02 Information:Infotainment 687 1.6 12.0 15,000 Rp 9,598 Rp
Summary INSERT (INFORMASI SELEBRITI) 612 1.4 11.7 13,484 Rp 9,678 Rp
66 TAWA SUTRA ANTV 19:08 20:06 00:58 Entertainment:Comedy 611 1.4 5.0 20,000 Rp 14,379 Rp
67 REPORTASE SIANG TRANS 11:58 12:31 00:32 News:Hard News 610 1.4 10.7 15,000 Rp 10,811 Rp
68 WARNA TRANS7 10:37 11:27 00:50 Information:Travel/Lifestyle/Leisure 607 1.4 10.6 12,000 Rp 8,682 Rp
69 HALO SELEBRITI SCTV 08:53 09:55 01:02 Information:Infotainment 603 1.4 10.6 20,000 Rp 14,579 Rp
70 CITA CITAKU TRANS7 15:30 16:00 00:30 Children:Edutainment 581 1.3 12.9 15,000 Rp 11,339 Rp
71 PATROLI IVM 11:34 12:05 00:31 News:Crime 579 1.3 10.1 12,000 Rp 9,113 Rp
72 PENDEKAR PEMANAH RAJAWALI IVM 18:03 19:14 01:11 Series:Action/Adventure 578 1.3 5.7 25,000 Rp 18,999 Rp
73 TOM & JERRY KIDS SHOW GTV 17:06 17:31 00:25 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 574 1.3 8.7 12,000 Rp 9,181 Rp
74 BIG SHOW MNCTV 22:20 24:31 02:11 Entertainment:Comedy 572 1.3 9.7 30,000 Rp 23,056 Rp
75 DONG YI IVM 12:05 13:35 01:30 Series:Drama 568 1.3 9.4 14,000 Rp 10,842 Rp
76 TOPIK PETANG ANTV 17:30 18:00 00:30 News:Hard News 565 1.3 7.6 22,000 Rp 17,123 Rp
77 SILET RCTI 16:01 16:57 00:56 Information:Infotainment 565 1.3 11.5 30,000 Rp 23,350 Rp
78 CEK & RICEK RCTI 14:29 15:02 00:33 Information:Infotainment 620 1.4 11.0 20,000 Rp 14,185 Rp
15:09 15:29 00:21 Information:Infotainment 465 1.1 9.5 20,000 Rp 18,907 Rp
Summary CEK & RICEK 561 1.3 10.5 20,000 Rp 15,678 Rp
79 STATUS SELEBRITIS SCTV 14:28 14:57 00:29 Information:Infotainment 555 1.3 9.7 20,000 Rp 15,826 Rp
80 GIVE ME 5 RCTI 15:29 15:58 00:29 Information:Documentary 548 1.2 12.1 20,000 Rp 16,035 Rp
81 TOP BANGEET(R) GTV 11:01 11:32 00:32 Information:Documentary 534 1.2 9.4 10,000 Rp 8,236 Rp
82 BUAYA SHOW IVM 22:03 23:31 01:28 Entertainment:Talkshow 523 1.2 6.8 20,000 Rp 16,814 Rp
83 ISLAM ITU INDAH TRANS 05:29 06:25 00:56 Religious:Preach/Dialog 523 1.2 15.4 10,000 Rp 8,410 Rp
84 KLIK! ANTV 12:03 13:01 00:58 Entertainment:Music 523 1.2 8.9 16,000 Rp 13,456 Rp
85 RANKING 1 TRANS 07:28 08:30 01:01 Entertainment:Quiz 519 1.2 9.3 12,000 Rp 10,157 Rp
86 CHALKZONE GTV 05:25 05:55 00:30 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 506 1.2 18.5 12,000 Rp 10,420 Rp
87 SUPER HERO ! KOCAK GTV 08:55 10:00 01:05 Series:Sitcom/Comedy 503 1.1 8.8 12,000 Rp 10,476 Rp
88 FENOMANIA ANTV 17:00 17:30 00:29 Information:Documentary 501 1.1 7.8 22,000 Rp 19,306 Rp
89 MAIN KATA GTV 13:03 14:05 01:02 Entertainment:Quiz 500 1.1 8.1 12,000 Rp 10,559 Rp
90 SHAUN THE SHEEP CTC 08:32 09:00 00:29 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 4 0.0 0.1 5,000 Rp 557,651 Rp
17:29 18:19 00:50 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 26 0.1 0.3 10,000 Rp 168,432 Rp
BCHANNEL 08:32 09:00 00:29 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 78 0.2 1.4 5,000 Rp 28,064 Rp
17:29 18:19 00:50 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 191 0.4 2.5 10,000 Rp 22,983 Rp
MNCTV 17:47 18:55 01:08 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 1,444 3.3 15.8 35,000 Rp 10,655 Rp
Summary SHAUN THE SHEEP 494 1.1 6.5 16,275 Rp 14,468 Rp
91 AWAS ADA SULE 2(R) GTV 12:05 13:03 00:58 Series:Sitcom/Comedy 494 1.1 8.4 12,000 Rp 10,670 Rp
92 WAS WAS SCTV 05:56 06:54 00:57 Information:Infotainment 491 1.1 11.8 12,000 Rp 10,752 Rp
93 FOKUS IVM 16:01 16:32 00:31 News:Hard News 489 1.1 10.6 14,000 Rp 12,578 Rp
94 KISS(KISAH SEPUTAR SELEBRITIS) IVM 07:04 07:34 00:31 Information:Infotainment 412 0.9 8.2 12,000 Rp 12,805 Rp
15:04 16:01 00:57 Information:Infotainment 528 1.2 11.2 14,000 Rp 11,652 Rp
Summary KISS(KISAH SEPUTAR SELEBRITIS) 487 1.1 10.1 13,299 Rp 11,993 Rp
95 D'JOURNEY RCTI 23:02 23:45 00:43 Information:Travel/Lifestyle/Leisure 486 1.1 8.3 20,000 Rp 18,083 Rp
96 BINGKAI BERITA TRANS 13:03 13:29 00:26 Information:TV Magazine 484 1.1 7.8 12,000 Rp 10,892 Rp
97 DUA DUNIA TRANS7 24:07 24:32 00:24 Information:Documentary 481 1.1 13.6 20,000 Rp 18,293 Rp
98 STARLITE MNCTV 14:56 15:25 00:29 Information:Infotainment 479 1.1 9.4 15,000 Rp 13,765 Rp
99 INDONESIAKU TRANS7 17:04 17:35 00:32 Information:TV Magazine 477 1.1 7.2 15,000 Rp 13,822 Rp
100 HOT SPOT GTV 11:32 12:05 00:33 Information:Travel/Lifestyle/Leisure 465 1.1 8.1 12,000 Rp 11,340 Rp
101 5P TEENAGE MASTER ANTV 13:01 14:59 01:58 Movie:Action/Adventure 456 1.0 7.6 16,000 Rp 15,410 Rp
102 SELEBRITA TRANS7 07:25 07:57 00:31 Information:Infotainment 308 0.7 5.8 10,000 Rp 14,247 Rp
11:58 12:30 00:32 Information:Infotainment 558 1.3 9.8 15,000 Rp 11,825 Rp
Summary SELEBRITA 434 1.0 7.9 12,511 Rp 12,683 Rp
103 UPS SALAH TRANS7 07:57 08:29 00:32 Entertainment:Reality Show 425 1.0 7.4 12,000 Rp 12,412 Rp
104 12V KILL BILL VOL. 2 GTV 22:53 25:27 02:34 Movie:Action/Adventure 419 1.0 10.2 15,000 Rp 15,732 Rp
105 OBSESI GTV 10:00 11:01 01:01 Information:Infotainment 418 1.0 7.2 10,000 Rp 10,510 Rp
106 LINTAS PETANG MNCTV 15:25 15:55 00:30 News:Hard News 397 0.9 8.8 15,000 Rp 16,588 Rp
107 WHEN GOOD PETS GO BAD ANTV 22:29 23:29 01:01 Entertainment:Reality Show 391 0.9 5.5 22,000 Rp 24,703 Rp
108 MICKEY MOUSE CLUB HOUSE MNCTV 05:58 06:26 00:28 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 389 0.9 9.9 10,000 Rp 11,288 Rp
109 REDAKSI PAGI TRANS7 06:27 07:25 00:59 News:Hard News 387 0.9 8.2 10,000 Rp 11,366 Rp
110 KAKEK KAKEK NARSIS TRANS 24:11 25:06 00:55 Entertainment:Talkshow 372 0.8 13.1 15,000 Rp 17,720 Rp
111 HANDY MANNY MNCTV 06:26 07:03 00:37 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 367 0.8 8.1 12,000 Rp 14,352 Rp
112 APA KABAR INDONESIA MALAM TVONE 18:58 19:59 01:01 News:TalkShow 363 0.8 3.0 25,000 Rp 30,232 Rp
113 GO SPOT RCTI 05:54 06:25 00:32 Information:Infotainment 361 0.8 9.3 16,000 Rp 19,491 Rp
114 DENY MANUSIA IKAN GTV 14:35 15:05 00:30 Children:Edutainment 352 0.8 6.4 12,000 Rp 14,982 Rp
115 BUSER SCTV 24:57 25:22 00:26 News:Crime 349 0.8 16.8 8,000 Rp 10,066 Rp
116 TV CHAMPION MNCTV 07:03 07:59 00:57 Entertainment:Game Show 348 0.8 6.7 14,000 Rp 17,668 Rp
117 DEAL OR NO DEAL ANTV 20:06 21:29 01:23 Entertainment:Quiz 331 0.8 2.6 25,000 Rp 33,152 Rp
118 KOMUNITAS TRANS7 24:32 25:01 00:29 Information:Documentary 327 0.7 12.9 10,000 Rp 13,447 Rp
119 MAMAH& AA' IVM 04:53 05:56 01:04 Religious:Preach/Dialog 325 0.7 15.0 6,000 Rp 8,115 Rp
120 WARUNG KOPI DKI ANTV 16:02 17:00 00:58 Series:Sitcom/Comedy 324 0.7 6.5 16,000 Rp 21,686 Rp
121 SEGEERRR... ANTV 09:30 10:30 01:00 Entertainment:Comedy 317 0.7 5.5 16,000 Rp 22,184 Rp
122 CATATAN AKHIR TAHUN 2011 SCTV 05:27 05:56 00:29 Information:Documentary 313 0.7 11.1 12,000 Rp 16,858 Rp
123 KABAR ARENA TVONE 22:32 23:05 00:33 Sport:Journal/highlights 311 0.7 4.1 25,000 Rp 35,333 Rp
124 KABAR PETANG TVONE 16:29 18:54 02:25 News:Hard News 308 0.7 4.1 25,000 Rp 35,719 Rp
125 3O LITTLE BIG SOLDIER RCTI 23:45 25:55 02:10 Movie:Action/Adventure 305 0.7 11.0 20,000 Rp 28,804 Rp
126 TRI ANGELS ANTV 21:29 22:27 00:58 Entertainment:Talkshow 305 0.7 2.9 22,000 Rp 31,740 Rp
127 HAND MADE GTV 15:05 15:35 00:30 Children:Edutainment 304 0.7 6.2 12,000 Rp 17,338 Rp
128 METRO SPORT METRO 23:31 24:00 00:29 Sport:Journal/highlights 302 0.7 6.2 10,000 Rp 14,530 Rp
129 HITZTERIA IVM 09:30 11:34 02:03 Entertainment:Music 294 0.7 5.1 12,000 Rp 17,913 Rp
130 LIPUTAN 6 MALAM SCTV 24:28 24:57 00:29 News:Hard News 289 0.7 11.0 8,000 Rp 12,168 Rp
131 THE PREDATOR OF AFRICA ANTV 10:30 11:30 01:00 Information:Documentary 289 0.7 5.0 12,000 Rp 18,256 Rp
132 ROCKET JO(D03) MNCTV 15:55 16:09 00:14 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 283 0.6 6.3 35,000 Rp 54,361 Rp
133 MANTAP ! ANTV 15:00 16:02 01:02 Entertainment:Music 279 0.6 5.9 18,000 Rp 28,364 Rp
134 PETUALANGAN PANJI GTV 14:05 14:35 00:30 Information:Documentary 278 0.6 4.6 12,000 Rp 18,979 Rp
135 STAND UP COMEDY SHOW SMARTFREN METRO 22:29 23:00 00:31 Entertainment:Comedy 269 0.6 3.4 14,000 Rp 22,850 Rp
136 KABAR MALAM TVONE 21:23 21:54 00:31 News:Hard News 179 0.4 1.5 25,000 Rp 61,336 Rp
21:56 22:32 00:36 News:Hard News 336 0.8 3.5 25,000 Rp 32,657 Rp
Summary KABAR MALAM 264 0.6 2.5 25,000 Rp 41,603 Rp
137 SPORT 7 TRANS7 05:52 06:27 00:35 Sport:Journal/highlights 262 0.6 6.8 10,000 Rp 16,779 Rp
138 SPORT 7 MALAM TRANS7 25:01 25:30 00:29 Sport:Journal/highlights 261 0.6 13.1 10,000 Rp 16,869 Rp
139 SUNTING ANTV 23:59 24:25 00:26 Information:TV Magazine 259 0.6 6.7 14,000 Rp 23,764 Rp
140 GLOBAL MALAM GTV 25:27 25:58 00:31 News:Hard News 251 0.6 15.8 12,000 Rp 21,025 Rp
141 TOP NINE NEWS METRO 20:59 21:00 00:01 News:Hard News 140 0.3 1.1 20,000 Rp 62,611 Rp
21:11 21:31 00:19 News:Hard News 258 0.6 2.1 20,000 Rp 34,111 Rp
Summary TOP NINE NEWS 250 0.6 2.0 20,000 Rp 35,095 Rp
142 WOOOW...! ANTV 07:31 08:00 00:29 Information:Documentary 247 0.6 4.6 12,000 Rp 21,323 Rp
143 6L PHANTOM BELOW SCTV 25:23 26:00 00:38 Movie:Action/Adventure 247 0.6 15.3 12,000 Rp 21,348 Rp
144 9S JOAN OF ARC TRANS 25:06 26:00 00:54 Movie:Action/Adventure 245 0.6 14.1 15,000 Rp 26,948 Rp
145 7F HEART OF DRAGON IVM 23:31 25:17 01:46 Movie:Action/Adventure 243 0.6 7.0 20,000 Rp 36,210 Rp
146 METRO REALITAS METRO 23:04 23:31 00:27 News:Feature 241 0.5 4.0 10,000 Rp 18,267 Rp
147 TOPIK SIANG ANTV 11:30 12:03 00:34 News:Hard News 235 0.5 4.1 12,000 Rp 22,437 Rp
148 HATIKEHATI BERSAMA MAMAH DEDEH ANTV 06:28 07:31 01:03 Religious:Preach/Dialog 234 0.5 4.9 14,000 Rp 26,325 Rp
149 FOKUS SELEBRITI GTV 16:36 17:06 00:30 Information:Infotainment 233 0.5 4.3 12,000 Rp 22,641 Rp
150 LINTAS MALAM MNCTV 24:31 24:57 00:25 News:Hard News 228 0.5 8.8 8,000 Rp 15,400 Rp
151 METRO HARI INI METRO 16:59 17:01 00:02 News:Hard News 97 0.2 1.7 14,000 Rp 63,584 Rp
17:11 18:00 00:49 News:Hard News 225 0.5 3.2 14,000 Rp 27,306 Rp
18:07 18:56 00:49 News:Hard News 228 0.5 2.4 14,000 Rp 26,935 Rp
Summary METRO HARI INI 225 0.5 2.7 14,000 Rp 27,381 Rp
152 METRO MALAM METRO 24:00 24:02 00:02 News:Hard News 187 0.4 4.4 7,000 Rp 16,435 Rp
24:06 25:01 00:55 News:Hard News 222 0.5 7.4 7,000 Rp 13,869 Rp
Summary METRO MALAM 221 0.5 7.2 7,000 Rp 13,931 Rp
153 FOKUS PAGI(F05) IVM 05:56 07:04 01:07 News:TalkShow 219 0.5 5.1 8,000 Rp 16,040 Rp
154 LIPUTAN 6 PAGI SCTV 04:00 05:27 01:27 News:Hard News 218 0.5 19.0 12,000 Rp 24,155 Rp
155 DORA THE EXPLORER GTV 05:00 05:25 00:25 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 218 0.5 13.0 8,000 Rp 16,111 Rp
156 MATA NAJWA METRO 21:31 22:00 00:29 Information:TalkShow 126 0.3 1.1 14,000 Rp 48,714 Rp
22:05 22:27 00:22 Information:TalkShow 334 0.8 3.6 14,000 Rp 18,399 Rp
Summary MATA NAJWA 216 0.5 2.1 14,000 Rp 28,523 Rp
157 KABAR SIANG TVONE 11:55 13:25 01:30 News:Hard News 205 0.5 3.4 12,000 Rp 25,784 Rp
158 JUNGLE BEAT CTC 18:19 18:47 00:28 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 23 0.1 0.2 10,000 Rp 188,104 Rp
BCHANNEL 18:19 18:47 00:28 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 383 0.9 3.9 10,000 Rp 11,477 Rp
Summary JUNGLE BEAT 203 0.5 2.1 10,000 Rp 21,634 Rp
159 DUNIA KARTUN TRANS7 05:25 05:52 00:27 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 200 0.5 7.5 10,000 Rp 21,983 Rp
160 TIMMY TIME CTC 18:47 19:30 00:43 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 32 0.1 0.3 10,000 Rp 136,052 Rp
BCHANNEL 18:47 19:30 00:43 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 362 0.8 3.1 10,000 Rp 12,147 Rp
Summary TIMMY TIME 197 0.4 1.7 10,000 Rp 22,303 Rp
161 REDAKSI MALAM TRANS7 25:30 25:57 00:27 News:Hard News 190 0.4 12.1 10,000 Rp 23,132 Rp
162 LENSA OLAH RAGA ANTV 05:30 06:28 00:58 Sport:Journal/highlights 232 0.5 6.7 8,000 Rp 15,130 Rp
25:00 25:31 00:31 Sport:Journal/highlights 109 0.2 5.5 8,000 Rp 32,222 Rp
Summary LENSA OLAH RAGA 190 0.4 6.4 8,000 Rp 18,532 Rp
163 MTV PING !!! GTV 25:58 26:00 00:02 Entertainment:Music 179 0.4 12.7 8,000 Rp 19,697 Rp
164 47S FRANTIC TRANS7 25:57 26:00 00:03 Movie:Drama 176 0.4 12.4 10,000 Rp 25,009 Rp
165 6L THE WICKEDS SCTV 02:00 02:57 00:58 Movie:Horror/Mystery/Thriller 171 0.4 20.5 12,000 Rp 30,830 Rp
166 APA KABAR INDONESIA(F05) TVONE 06:34 07:51 01:16 News:TalkShow 200 0.5 4.0 12,000 Rp 26,401 Rp
07:52 09:29 01:37 News:TalkShow 135 0.3 2.4 12,000 Rp 39,165 Rp
Summary APA KABAR INDONESIA(F05) 163 0.4 3.0 12,000 Rp 32,281 Rp
167 FOKUS MALAM IVM 02:00 02:09 00:09 News:Hard News 155 0.4 17.1 8,000 Rp 22,669 Rp
25:17 25:51 00:34 News:Hard News 164 0.4 9.6 8,000 Rp 21,460 Rp
Summary FOKUS MALAM 162 0.4 10.5 8,000 Rp 21,708 Rp
168 JAGAD 2011 GTV 15:35 16:36 01:01 Information:Documentary 161 0.4 3.5 12,000 Rp 32,716 Rp
169 SPORT MANIA MNCTV 05:30 05:53 00:23 Sport:Journal/highlights 155 0.4 5.5 8,000 Rp 22,671 Rp
170 BPL:NORWICH C VS TOTTENHAM(L) MNCTV 02:00 04:35 02:35 Sport:Match 153 0.3 19.4 30,000 Rp 86,245 Rp
171 TOPIK MALAM ANTV 24:25 25:00 00:35 News:Hard News 152 0.3 5.8 8,000 Rp 23,060 Rp
172 SEPUTAR INDONESIA PAGI RCTI 04:25 05:54 01:29 News:Hard News 151 0.3 8.8 14,000 Rp 40,639 Rp
173 DR. BRADY BARR ANTV 03:30 04:00 00:30 Information:Documentary 54 0.1 7.1 6,000 Rp 48,963 Rp
09:00 09:28 00:28 Information:Documentary 201 0.5 3.6 16,000 Rp 34,948 Rp
23:29 23:59 00:30 Information:Documentary 195 0.4 3.9 22,000 Rp 49,538 Rp
Summary DR. BRADY BARR 149 0.3 4.0 14,613 Rp 43,201 Rp
174 REPORTASE PAGI TRANS 04:30 05:29 00:59 News:Hard News 148 0.3 10.8 8,000 Rp 23,777 Rp
175 CATATAN HUKUM INDONESIA LAWYER TVONE 20:02 20:36 00:34 News:TalkShow 151 0.3 1.2 30,000 Rp 87,142 Rp
20:43 20:59 00:17 News:TalkShow 140 0.3 1.1 30,000 Rp 94,157 Rp
21:09 21:23 00:14 News:TalkShow 147 0.3 1.2 30,000 Rp 89,460 Rp
Summary CATATAN HUKUM INDONESIA LAWYER 148 0.3 1.1 30,000 Rp 89,357 Rp
176 LINTAS PAGI MNCTV 05:00 05:30 00:30 News:Hard News 145 0.3 8.2 8,000 Rp 24,269 Rp
177 3O BAD COMPANY RCTI 02:00 03:00 01:00 Movie:Action/Adventure 134 0.3 16.1 14,000 Rp 45,952 Rp
178 7G KARMA IVM 25:51 26:00 00:09 Movie:Drama 133 0.3 9.3 5,000 Rp 16,534 Rp
179 SEPUTAR INDONESIA MALAM RCTI 03:00 03:31 00:31 News:Hard News 110 0.3 14.8 5,000 Rp 19,971 Rp
25:55 26:00 00:05 News:Hard News 222 0.5 15.5 5,000 Rp 9,890 Rp
Summary SEPUTAR INDONESIA MALAM 126 0.3 15.0 5,000 Rp 17,454 Rp
180 SUARA ANDA METRO 19:05 20:01 00:56 News:TalkShow 133 0.3 1.1 14,000 Rp 46,174 Rp
20:05 20:25 00:19 News:TalkShow 98 0.2 0.8 14,000 Rp 62,819 Rp
Summary SUARA ANDA 124 0.3 1.0 14,000 Rp 49,533 Rp
181 9S THE NUMBER 23 TRANS 02:00 02:02 00:02 Movie:Horror/Mystery/Thriller 124 0.3 12.7 15,000 Rp 53,105 Rp
182 NINJA HATORI STOON 12:01 12:27 00:26 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 118 0.3 2.1 3,000 Rp 11,174 Rp
183 EAG!E SPECIAL PROJECT(R) METRO 20:30 20:59 00:29 Information:Documentary 117 0.3 0.9 14,000 Rp 52,729 Rp
184 7G PENGORBANAN IVM 02:09 03:52 01:43 Movie:Drama 115 0.3 14.7 5,000 Rp 19,180 Rp
185 SIRAMAN QALBU MNCTV 04:35 05:00 00:25 Religious:Preach/Dialog 114 0.3 10.9 5,000 Rp 19,264 Rp
186 SI MAMAT ANAK METROPOLITAN CTC 19:30 20:29 00:59 Series:Drama 6 0.0 0.0 10,000 Rp 704,108 Rp
BCHANNEL 19:30 20:29 00:59 Series:Drama 218 0.5 1.7 10,000 Rp 20,204 Rp
Summary SI MAMAT ANAK METROPOLITAN 112 0.3 0.9 10,000 Rp 39,281 Rp
187 FRIENDS ANTV 08:00 09:00 01:00 Information:TV Magazine 112 0.3 2.0 18,000 Rp 70,943 Rp
188 ARCHIPELAGO L METRO 11:04 11:31 00:26 Information:Travel/Lifestyle/Leisure 107 0.2 1.9 10,000 Rp 40,897 Rp
189 TURTLE ISLAND STOON 11:20 11:51 00:30 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 107 0.2 1.9 3,000 Rp 12,311 Rp
190 SAFA DAN MARWAH(R) RCTI 03:31 03:58 00:28 Series:Drama 104 0.2 13.8 8,000 Rp 33,745 Rp
191 RADIO SHOW TVONE 23:07 26:00 02:53 Information:TalkShow 99 0.2 2.9 14,000 Rp 62,199 Rp
192 PILGRIMAGE TO THE WEST IVM 03:52 04:53 01:00 Series:Action/Adventure 98 0.2 11.7 5,000 Rp 22,415 Rp
193 KABAR PAGI TVONE 04:29 06:30 02:01 News:Hard News 98 0.2 4.0 7,000 Rp 31,549 Rp
194 BPL:WEST BROM VS MAN CITY MNCTV 24:57 26:00 01:03 Sport:Match 96 0.2 5.3 30,000 Rp 137,217 Rp
195 CODE LYOKO STOON 12:41 13:11 00:31 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 95 0.2 1.6 3,000 Rp 13,936 Rp
196 KID VS KAT GTV 04:33 05:00 00:27 Children:Series Anim/Puppe 94 0.2 9.1 8,000 Rp 37,426 Rp
197 WIDE SHOT METRO 13:05 14:01 00:56 News:Hard News 108 0.2 1.7 10,000 Rp 40,788 Rp
14:06 14:55 00:49 News:Hard News 90 0.2 1.5 10,000 Rp 49,098 Rp
15:07 15:32 00:25 News:Hard News 66 0.2 1.4 10,000 Rp 66,438 Rp
Summary WIDE SHOT 93 0.2 1.6 10,000 Rp 47,316 Rp
198 METRO SIANG METRO 11:31 12:00 00:29 News:Hard News 111 0.3 1.9 10,000 Rp 39,420 Rp
12:05 12:54 00:50 News:Hard News 81 0.2 1.4 10,000 Rp 54,409 Rp
Summary METRO SIANG 92 0.2 1.6 10,000 Rp 47,667 Rp
199 MANUSIA INDONESIA TVONE 15:29 16:06 00:37 Information:Documentary 86 0.2 1.9 10,000 Rp 50,943 Rp
16:12 16:28 00:17 Information:Documentary 103 0.2 2.2 10,000 Rp 42,480 Rp
Summary MANUSIA INDONESIA 92 0.2 2.0 10,000 Rp 47,953 Rp
200 KABAR PASAR TVONE 09:29 09:57 00:28 News:Hard News 105 0.2 1.8 10,000 Rp 42,019 Rp
14:28 15:00 00:31 News:Hard News 74 0.2 1.3 10,000 Rp 59,414 Rp
Summary KABAR PASAR 89 0.2 1.5 10,000 Rp 49,649 Rp
Big Thanks to Pitakoke from
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